Plastic in The Food Industry

Plastic is one of the most commonly used materials around the world, and the food industry is one of the biggest consumers of it. For food producers and retailers, plastic is an essential material and helps contribute to the packaging and transportation of nearly every product you see on the shelves.

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Creative Ways to Reuse Plastic Bottles For Schools

Recycling is a hot topic around the world although it may have you thinking only of recycling boxes and trying not to miss the weekly Council pick-up, there are many creative ways that recycling can be encouraged too. After using plastic bottles and other plastic products, we just throw them away, but there are many…

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6 Top Benefits of Plastic

Plastic is one of the most used materials in the world, with over 350 million tons being produced each year. When talking about plastic, our minds go straight to the thousands of products made from it; however, we rarely think about the specific benefits of plastic and why it’s so commonly used.

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Things You Would Never Predict Are Made From Plastic

When we mention plastic, our minds may go straight to generic objects like plastic bottles and bags; however, there are many other, more interesting things made out of plastic that you may not have realised were created from this material. With technology constantly evolving, using plastic to create a wider range of products has become…

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Why and How is Plastic Used in the Construction Industry?

Plastics have been used for over 100 years and can be used for many different things. The construction industry is the second highest consumer of plastics, after packaging. The industry uses it for many different things, including seals, windows, doors, pipes, cables, floor coverings and insulation to name a few. The main types of plastic…

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Plastic Waste Being Used as a Building Material

The world produces around 360 million tonnes of plastic each year, and most of this goes unrecycled. However, this plastic waste could be highly beneficial for many industries and as a building material. Plastics are perfect materials that can be used for a variety of applications; this is because they have many properties, including strength,…

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A New Approach to Recycling Plastic?

Plastic is a wonderous material that has enabled an unfathomable number of advancements in modern society. Yet it is no secret that, without proper management, the plastic waste created is a cause for considerable concern. There are always new advancements and processes being developed to help combat this, though they are usually similar in their…

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Plastic Extrusion for Medical Tubing

The process of plastic extrusion has provided the healthcare industry with the ability to produce medical tubing, which is quick, easy, clean and flexible, for many decades now.   When introduced, it quickly replaced the more traditional materials such as rubber and glass and has proven to be extremely beneficial to the industry.  

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The Secrets Behind How Plastics Benefit the Environment

As an industry we are overcoming the bad name that has been created for plastic and while many of us use mostly recycled materials (we ourselves purchase upwards of 60% recycled material and recycle 100% of waste), we still have some way to make the industry completely sustainable.   The fact of the matter is that it isn’t plastic itself that is causing an…

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