Advantages of Engineering Plastic

Engineered plastics; what are they and why are they beneficial compared to some of the other plastics on the market? This type of plastic poses many benefits, one of which is that it is so durable that they’ve even been used to substitute ceramic and metal.

High Durability

Engineered plastics are manufactured to be much stronger than some of the standard plastics.

If you’re looking for a plastic that needs to withstand weight and hold its strength over a long period of time, then engineered plastics are a great option.

Lightweight Plastic

Whilst engineered plastics are extremely strong, surprisingly they’re still very lightweight.

Typically, lighter than metal alternatives, engineered plastics would be great for projects that require a weight limit.

Resistance to Chemicals, Light & Heat

In harsh conditions where your product is likely to be exposed to strong weather conditions, UV, or various chemicals, engineered plastics are a great solution in this instance.

Low Carbon Footprint

As they are made from recycled materials, engineered plastics have a lower carbon footprint than other plastic alternatives, which is becoming increasingly important.

Flexible & Moldable

Engineered plastics are flexible with the ability to be molded into specific shapes. If your project is something that requires a detailed design or shape, then engineered plastics would be great here.


We hope you found this guide helpful. If you’re interested in how we use and supply engineering plastics, you can get in touch with the team to find out more about what Rayda offer.

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