Advantages of Using Plastic in the Medical Industry

Plastic has been used in a range of industries since it was invented, and one of the biggest users of plastic is the medical industry. Over the past three decades, plastics have become an essential material for modern medicine due to its many advantages.

Advantages of using Plastic in the Medical industry

Plastics have many characteristics that make them the best material to use in the medical industry, including:

Sterility – Plastic can be easily sterilised, and with the majority of medical equipment being made from plastic, this is a great quality to have. Equipment is moved around throughout the day, so needs to be clean and sterile before use.

Safety – In addition to being easily sterilised, plastic can help keep medical equipment sterile, which is good for both the patient and the doctor. Most medical equipment comes in plastic packaging, which helps keep them from coming into contact with other equipment and prevents contamination.

Medical Devices – Many of the solutions for medical conditions are created using plastic, including prosthetics, hip socket replacements, artificial corneas, hearing aids, and pill capsules.

Lower Cost – One of the biggest advantages of plastic in the medical industry is that it is inexpensive. Medical equipment is often produced in large quantities, so these inexpensive plastics are the perfect material to use.

Durability – Plastic materials are strong and flexible, and are corrosion and chemical resistant, making them the perfect material to use in the medical industry. Other materials, like metal, can wear far more quickly and are more sustainable to corrosion.

Design Possibilities – The design possibilities for plastic are almost endless, so this is great for the medical industry as the equipment can have a range of shapes, sizes and designs.


Here at Rayda, we create bespoke plastic products from extrusion for our client’s requirements. For further information on our extrusion process or for any general plastic enquiries, please contact us today.

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