Coca Cola’s New Sustainability Objective

It was in 2018 that Coca Cola first started talking about their new sustainability objectives and what this would mean for the company. 

In essence, the company was announcing an alignment with the UN’s Sustainability Development Goals. These are a set of principles aiming to work towards a better and more sustainable world.  

So, what does this actually mean for Coca Cola and its consumers? 

What is Coca Cola’s Sustainability Objective? 

Coca Cola have publicly acknowledged their role, and resulting responsibility, in the pollution caused by plastic to our environment.  

Moving forward, they have laid out their objects to tackle this problem and decrease the effect their operation have on the planet. 

More than one life 

The first of their objectives is to collect and recycle the equivalent of every bottle and can, sold by Coca Cola worldwide, by 2030. They apply the ‘more than one life’ principle which highlights the fact that materials such as plastic, glass and aluminium do not have to be single use and should be reused at least once in their lifetime.  

Additionally, they have committed to their goal to develop a 100% recyclable packaging alternative, and reduce the overall plastic used in bottles. 

Best Practice 

The company’s sustainability objectives also centre around education and best practices. They have spoken about their desire to aid in the spread of information to encourage the reuse/recycle message. 

To help with this, they are sharing their knowledge of best practices within the industry as well as assisting in projects which make recycling an effective and accessible solution for all, no matter location or wealth.  

For example, they have invested in the Clean Tech plant, located in Lincolnshire, which is the largest plastic recycling facility in Europe. They also support projects in the UK which protect and clean the sea and waterways. 

Wider Reaching 

Further afield, the Joint Sustainability Action Plan was put in place which brings together the Coca Cola Company in Western Europe and Coca Cola’s European partners.  

Known at ‘This is Forward’ the plan has set a target to achieve 100% packaging collection and 50% recycled content for PET bottles, by 2025. 

Coca Cola’s sustainability objectives have continued throughout the last year and the company intends to exit the pandemic at an even stronger position in terms of sustainability results.  

Here at Rayda, all our products are made from recycled materials. To find out more about our products and how we can help your business on the road to sustainability, get in touch today.   

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