How is Energy Produced from Waste Plastics?

Though many people are unaware of the process and how it’s done, it is actually possible to convert waste plastics into useful and clean energy.

This blog will cover how a process called pyrolysis can convert plastic waste into green energy and chemicals maximising the efficiency of how we discard of our plastic waste.

What is Cold Plasma Pyrolysis?

Pyrolysis refers to the process in which plastics are converted into gases like hydrogen, methane and ethylene.

Both hydrogen and methane can be used as clean fuel, this is because they produce minimal amounts of harmful compounds such as soot, carbon dioxide and unburnt hydrocarbons.

This method uses non-thermal plasma to decompose plastics and change the chemical composition so that they can be broken down and re-used. Two electrodes are used to excite reactions and break the chemical bonds in the plastics.

The idea behind this process is to limit the amount of plastic materials that end up in landfill and instead convert these into a useful energy source.

How Effective is this Process?

Recent studies have experimented with a range of plastic products like plastic bags, milk cartons and bleach bottles.

It was discovered that 55 times more ethylene could be recovered from HDPE (high-density polyethylene) plastics. This plastic is used to produce many everyday objects, such as bottles, so the positive results of the study are promising for many of our commonly used plastic objects.

Overall, 24% of the plastic waste tested could be turned into energy.

What are the Benefits of Using Cold Plasma?

Over 30% of plastic within the EU is sent to landfill, which is something that a lot of us want to stop, or at least reduce. A lot of businesses, including Rayda, incorporate plastic recycling into their processes and have a Zero to Landfill contract with a waste collection service, but there is still a large amount of plastic being dumped or burnt.

Cold plasma pyrolysis is a more environmentally friendly option than burning the plastic because it produces minimal quantities of harmful by-products like CO2.

It can also be used to recover valuable materials within the plastic, these can then be sent back into the industry to be reused.

Cold plasma pyrolysis operates at temperatures between 500 to 600°C by combining conventional heating with cold plasma; this, therefore, requires a lot less energy to complete the process due to the reduction in temperature.

The reaction time is extremely quick and in fact only takes seconds, providing a fast and efficient solution to reducing plastic waste.


Here at Rayda, we’re always working to increase the sustainability of our products and we’re pleased to say that our products are all recyclable. If you want to find out more about how our team can help your company and find products that may work for you, make sure to get in touch.

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