Industries That Use Plastic Extrusion and Their Uses

Products made from plastic extrusion are found in a wide variety of applications in many different industries. This is because plastic is a reliable material that has a range of properties that can be used to industries’ advantage. These properties include strength, versatility, heat resistance, and chemical resistance.

So, which industries use extruded plastic products?

Building and Construction

This industry is one of the biggest users of plastic extrusion as the product is an essential component of many building products, including products like window trims, plastic tubes, shower seals, and roof trims. Plastic is strong and flexible, so can withstand extreme weather and temperatures that are found around buildings and construction.


Plastic extrusion is an essential component of the medical industry, as many of the products used can only be created during this process. Plastic extrusion helps to create medical tubing used in devices which deliver fluids to and from the body. These tubes often contain multiple chambers, so different fluids can be transmitted through the same fine plastic tube, which can be easily produced through the extrusion method.


All transport sectors rely on plastic extrusion to deliver high-quality products and effective transport. This is because extruded plastics offer a range of great characteristics, including resistance to harsh environments and chemicals, corrosion and heat resistance, electrical and thermally conductive, and flexibility. Extruded products in the transport industry include vehicle trims, door frames, door and window seals, wire covers, and windscreen wipers.


Extruded plastic tubes and sections are used for a range of applications within the engineering industry. These plastic tubes and sections are used to protect operatives from heat or electrical currents. Extruded products in engineering include insulating pads, conveyor tubes, tool covers, vibration absorption tubes, and cable ducts and covers.


Extruded plastic contributes to safety in electrical industries. Extruded plastic products can be used to wrap around electrical wires to prevent electrical discharge, burns, and shocks. Wires coated in plastic are also protected from rust and corrosion.


Here at Rayda, we create bespoke plastic products from extrusion to fit our customers’ requirements. For further information on our extrusion process or for any general plastic enquiries, please contact us today.

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