New Polypropylene Breakthrough

A white paper released by Additive Manufacturing Technologies (AMT) revealed the co-production of a new polypropylene breakthrough! 

The two businesses are aiming to generate an injection moulding-like finish for 3D printed polypropylene. 

Polypropyelene is an extremely popular polymer, especially in the plastics industry.   

The recent breakthrough explores a new version of polypropylene that can printed using a 3D printer and has an even smoother finish. 

What is the Aim? 

Ricoh 3D and Additive Manufacturing Technologies (AMT) are trying to encourage a wider use of 3d printed plastics by generating a much smoother surface finish. 

The project involves modifying an existing technology by AMT to not only improve the rigid surface but also make the mechanical abilities much cleaner and crisper. 

Not only will this be much more beneficial for consumers, but it will also reduce production time and costings. 

What are the Existing Benefits? 

Polypropylene is extremely versatile, providing great scope for its potential uses. 

It’s also lightweight, flexible and has great chemical and heat resistance. 

What Industries Could it be Used in? 

The medical industry is a sector that could significantly benefit from this innovative product. 

Many intimate medical devices, including oral and drug dispensary equipment, requires a smooth and comfortable surface which polypropylene currently doesn’t achieve. 

The new version of this plastic will make it possible to use in hospitals, dentists and pharmacies, along with the other industries that already usthe material, making it much more convenient. 

To find out more about the polypropylene we supply at Rayda and how it proves to be a great, highquality extrusion product, contact our team of experts here.

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