Things You Would Never Predict Are Made From Plastic

When we mention plastic, our minds may go straight to generic objects like plastic bottles and bags; however, there are many other, more interesting things made out of plastic that you may not have realised were created from this material.

With technology constantly evolving, using plastic to create a wider range of products has become more accessible and, in some cases, helps to recycle plastic waste. In the future, we may begin to see a wider range of products being produced from plastic waste as we become more aware of the different possibilities.

We’ve built a list of some examples of the items that are created using plastic or elements of plastic.

Unexpected Plastic Items

Roads – In some countries, plastic bottles are being grounded and melted down into the mixture used to pave roads. Roads are traditionally made from asphalt, but some new roads are now being made from a mixture of asphalt and plastic.

Prosthetic limbs – Plastic bottles are now being ground down and used to help people walk by creating sockets for some prosthetic limbs. The average cost to make a socket is around £5,000, but with this new plastic bottle approach, costs could be reduced to just £10.

Running shoes – Many shoe manufacturing companies are incorporating plastic bottles into the creation of their shoes in an attempt to recycle more plastic waste; this makes shoes more sustainable, and the characteristics of plastic allow shoe manufacturers to create durable and flexible shoes.

Clothes – Many clothing companies have begun using recycled plastics to create their clothes in an act to reduce plastic waste in a more sustainable way.

Cars – Most car companies use plastic during the production of their vehicles; this is because plastic is strong, durable, and flexible, so it becomes the perfect material for vehicles.

Chewing Gum – This may sound strange, but most gum bases contain the same type of plastic found in plastic bottles and bags called Polyethylene; this is because these plastic materials help to keep other ingredients like colour and flavour. They also provide anti-stick properties and create the perfect texture for the chewing gum

Teabags – Most teabag brands use plastic to create their teabags because plastic helps them retain their shape once placed in boiling water.

Makeup Products – Some cosmetic products contain microplastics; in most cases, this is used to improve the product’s finish. For example, silicones can help give the makeup a soft, slippery feel.

Drinking Cans – Although it can’t be seen, there is a layer of plastic film on the inside of metal drinking cans; this film works as a protective layer between the drink and the can. If the plastic layer wasn’t there, the can would react with the liquid and start to corrode.

As you can see, plastic is incredibly versatile, and we’re using it in many more day to day items than you likely realised!


If you wish to discuss anything mentioned in this blog or have any general plastic extrusion enquiries, please contact our team today, and we will be more than happy to help.

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